This site documents my burgeoning foray into the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.   This is a news aggregation site, a full accounting of P&L regarding my investments, and a place for active discussion.

Intended to be newbie friendly, I hope that by sharing my experiences, others may benefit from both the good and the bad decisions I will undoubtedly make.  Additionally, by documenting P&L, I hope that others can get a true feel for the risks and benefits of both  mining as well as outright buying and trading of cryptocurrency.  Here, I will disclose my full stake in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and any other altcoins I invest in.  I will share my thoughts, strategies, and results of every decision I make regarding these investments.

About me:  I’m a dad, a veteran, and a middle aged guy who first got into computers when the family got an Apple ][+ back in 1982.  Though I’ve been in the technology field since the dot com bubble, it’s been very much on the infrastructure side.  This website is a forcing function for me to learn some new skills to be able to display the vision I have for it in my mind’s eye.  I aim to teach myself some coding and learn about blockchain.  Maybe, just maybe, what I learn here will result in a shift of my career trajectory.  Or maybe I decide I like what I’m doing now. Only time will tell.

Full disclosure: I am not a financial adviser and I’m not offering financial advice.  All I’m doing is sharing what I’m doing and distributing content for others to make their own decisions.  I am not spending anything I can’t afford to lose, and cryptocurrency is not my sole investment strategy.  It’s just the one I’m focused on here.  As of the time of this writing, I am taking a long term position in cryptocurrencies and am not interested in pump and dump.  That doesn’t mean I might not do some active trading though.